JIACC Prosecution wins Gold Award

Celebration was held to distribute awards to the prominent public prosecution departments in their work in the judiciary.

The Integrity and Anti-Corruption Public Prosecutor's Department won the gold award as the best public prosecution department in the Kingdom, while the Jerash Public Prosecutor's Department won the silver award, and the Aqaba Public Prosecutor's Department won the bronze award.

President of the Judicial Council, Mohammed Al-Ghazo, distributed awards on the sidelines of the Third Judicial Conference, under the high royal patronage.

Judge Maher Al-Qadi received the gold award. The Integrity and Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Department includes Judges Dr. Moawia Al-Sa’aida, Atef Al-Khawaldeh, Dr. Muhammad Bani Taha, and Dr. Yazeed Al-Nawafleh.

Judge Abdul-Ilah Al-Assaf also received the silver award and Judge Mahmoud Freihat received the bronze award.

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