Six years' imprisonment for someone who tried to seize 1.5 Million JOD.

The judicial panel specialized in corruption crimes at Amman Court of First Instance, chaired by Judge Ahmed Al-Omari, with the membership of Judge Dr. Marzouq Al-Amoush, and the presence of the Public Prosecutor of Integrity and Anti-Corruption Atef Al-Khawaldeh, issued a decision convicting a person for the crime of using a forger with knowledge of his order and imprisoning him for a period of 6 years after attempting to seize 1.5 million JOD from the account of a deceased woman.

The commission criminalized the convict during a public session held today, Thursday, and decided to fine him an amount of 750 JOD. An in presence decision subject to appeal before the competent court.

The criminalization decision indicated the sentence imposed on the convicted person, after collection, is placing him in temporary labor for a period of 3 years, so that the penalty becomes 6 years calculated for him as the period of detention, in addition to fining him 750 JOD.

The Commission declared the convict acquitted of misdemeanor of forgery, repeated 10 times for insufficient evidence, and that he was not responsible for the misdemeanor of attempted fraud, as it is an element of the moral forgery attributed to him.

The conviction decision stated that the convict used 10 forged bills of exchange and submitted them for implementation on a deceased woman, worth one and a half million dinars. 

The fraud was discovered by chance by a retired judge who works as a lawyer, her heirs were contacted, the complaint was made, and the court found the crime was committed, he was unable to obtain the money, despite it being transferred from the bank to the case account. 

It is noted that the convict was convicted of a previous case of several offences which reached the status of temporary labour for 21 years.

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